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KNOX Residential Rapid Entry Boxes

Does your loved one live alone?  Are they in need of special care? Worried about what happend in the time of an emergency when moments matter?

The Alpine Fire Protection has a limited number of Knox HomeBox kits for residents of the District. When installed with an access key, first responders have rapid access to the home during an emergency. 

Short Video on how the Knox HomeBox works:

Knox HomeBox Video

An advertisement for Knox HomeBox detailing features and benefits like key storage, weather resistance, and secure access for first responders.

Due to the limited number of available kits, there are eligibility requirements:

  • Must reside in the Alpine Fire Protection Distrtict boundaries.
  • At least one resident must be physically disabled or over the age of 62.
  • Income is not a factor.

To receive a free Knox HomeBox Kit, please fill out this short application:

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